Autumn Formation
Autumn holds several days and themes that are rich in the formation of our Christian faith.
Creation Care / Blessing of the Backpacks / Stewardship / Indigenous Awareness / All Saints’ Day / Election Day / Veterans Day / Thanksgiving
Creation Care
The Season of Creation runs from September 1 through October 4 (the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi). Check out our resources for Creation Care and the Blessing of the Animals.
Autumn Resources
Blessing of the Backpacks
As our children head back to school in the fall, we have the opportunity to celebrate this milestone with our families. This can be expanded to include teachers and all those who work in education, and even to a Blessing of the Briefcases/Devices/whatever the tools of the trade.
Blessing of the Backpacks Liturgy (from Campus Ministries)
Backpack Tags (from Illustrated Ministry)
Additional Back to School Milestones
Stewardship acknowledges that all that we have and all that we are come from God. As disciples, we seek to use these gifts and resources not for our own uses but for God’s mission in this world. In order to be good stewards, or caretakers of ourselves and our world, we must also practice generosity as we recognize that all good gifts come from God and are best used in ministry and community.
Project Resource / An abundant collection of stewardship resources from the Diocese of New Jersey
Stewardship Resources from salt+ ($) / Printables, graphics and stewardship campaign themes
Good Stewards Together ($) / Twelve sessions designed for intergenerational gatherings from Sparkhouse
Indigenous Awareness
Indigenous people and cultures are an important part of our common life in this nation. We can acknowledge and celebrate the contributions of our First Nations in this (and every season), particularly on Indigenous Peoples’ Day (2nd Monday in October) and at Thanksgiving.
First Nations Version: An Indigenous Translation of the New Testament / Consider reading from this translation in worship services this month
All Saints’ Day
All Saints' Day is a wonderful celebration, marked each year on November 1 but often observed in churches on the first Sunday of November. On this day, and other occasions throughout the year, we remember all those, the living and the dead, who have been examples of living out lives as disciples of Jesus Christ. Our calendar of saints celebrates diverse lives, ancient and modern, of people who show us what it means to love and serve God in different times and different places.
All Saints’ Resources from the Diocese of East Carolina
All Saints’ Day Youth Resource from Illustrated Ministry
Meet the Saints Facilitator’s Guide and Family Storybook from Forward Movement
Celebrating the Saints Curriculum for Youth and Adults from Forward Movement
Election Day
In an increasingly partisan and seemingly divided political landscape, voting as a person of faith can seem challenging. All sides often claim to represent the interests of the American Christian, and the language of fear can dominate debates. How can we navigate this fraught landscape, and work towards preserving our democracy even as we live out our calling as disciples of Jesus Christ?
Election Season Toolkit from the Diocese of New Jersey
Election Engagement Guide from the Episcopal Office of Government Relations
Prayer Stations for Election Day from Grow Christians
Veterans Day
Veterans Day is an annual recognition of our appreciation for all who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States. This is not to be confused with Armed Forces Day (for those currently serving) or Memorial Day (commemorating those who died while serving). Veterans Day is November 11, stemming from the date of the armistice following World War I, at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month. It is known as Remembrance Day in the UK and many European nations. Acknowledging veterans in a Christian setting is not a time for pro- or anti-war sentiment. Instead, we are called to care for all those in our midst, including those who have endured the rigors and sacrifices of military service that we all may experience the justice and liberty of God's covenant fulfilled through his Son Jesus Christ.
A Brief Theology of Veterans Day from salt+
A Prayer for our Veterans and Peace from David Lose
A Veterans Day Litany from Pastor Robb McCoy, aka the Fat Pastor
Thanksgiving is celebrated both as a federal holiday in the United States as well as a major feast according to the Book of Common Prayer. We traditionally pause on this day to give thanks to God for all the blessings of this life. This is right and good, but it is also appropriate to recognize the complexity of this holiday in our history. Our traditional telling of the Thanksgiving story often whitewashes the role of European settlers in appropriating the land, economy, and customs of the Indigenous people already here. So, as we give thanks and praise to God for all our many blessings, we acknowledge the resiliency, diversity, and contributions to this nation of its many cultures and peoples. We especially give thanks for Jesus Christ, who brings reconciliation and salvation to all God's people.
Thankful Coloring Page from Illustrated Ministry ($)
Thanksgiving Activities for Church and Families from Building Faith