Faith Practices
In prayer, we engage in conversation with God. We talk, and we listen, although prayer is both spoken and unspoken. We share joys in thanksgiving and sorrows in lament. We ask for help, guidance, and healing for ourselves and for others. We ask for, and receive, forgiveness. In prayer we engage with and respond to God.
Reading Scripture
Reading the Bible, the written Word of God, is an essential faith practice for all Christians. We don’t just read the Scriptures for information, but we seek to engage with the words as God’s invitation into relationship. Whether you are opening the Good Book for the first time, or you are looking to connect with the God-inspired texts in new ways, we invite you to try some of the resources here.
In worship, we praise God. We gather to hear God’s word, we offer prayers and confession, and we are sent out into the world. In worship, we encounter God, and we respond to God.
Serving Others
Service is mentioned frequently in the Bible as a discipline of Jesus’ followers. Old and New Testament scriptures alike ask God’s people to serve as God’s servants by caring and serving one another, particularly those who are unable to care for themselves.
We express gratitude when we are thankful for particular blessings, for the “good things” in life. When we show gratitude in more challenging times, though, we acknowledge our trust in God to be present and bring good from all things. As we move through this season of gratitude, practice giving thanks to God for everything in your life, but most of all God’s loving presence.
Mercy & Justice
Mercy and justice often go hand in hand in Scripture. When we experience mercy, we can receive or offer compassion and love regardless of merit. Biblical justice encourages us to go a step further and live selflessly to restore justice or fairness to those who are unrightfully hurt or wronged. Together, mercy and justice help us establish ourselves and our neighbors in right relationship with God.