Formation by Ages and Stages
Faith formation is a lifelong journey for each Christian, from the cradle to the grave and all points in between. Opportunities for building our faith and becoming more intentional disciples of Jesus Christ arise at many different points along our journey, some shared, and some on our own. God finds us wherever we are—find a starting point and explore!
Children & Families
Children have a special place in our church communities. There are many curriculums and programs that help nurture and encourage children and their families. Simply being part of a worshipping community is also formative. We offer resources to support the youngest in our midst, and those who care for them.
As young people mature in their lives and in their faiths, they have different needs from their families and church communities. Our resources help equip young people through a variety of faith practices, curriculums, and program ideas. We also offer support for parents and those who minister with them.
Campus Ministry & Young Adults
As young people explore experiences as independent adults, their faith needs change too. Many young adults are living out their own faith, apart from their families, as some move away from home for the first time. The Diocese of New Jersey has a strong Campus Ministry program at several colleges and universities, and the Episcopal Church offers unique service opportunities for people in this season of life.
Over the course of an adult life, many of us experience different seasons in our faith journeys. Some of us are approaching a life of faith for the first time, and some may be looking to grow deeper. We experience many milestones which impact our faith, including jobs, relationships, and families. Our adult formation resources cover this wide variety of formation needs.
Intergenerational formation happens when people of different ages worship, learn, and serve together. Not in parallel experiences, but interacting and sharing as equal members of God’s family: the church. While age-dependent formation has its place in our ages and stages, intergenerational formation, through families, small groups, and congregational ministry, is the original model of discipleship and remains effective today.
There are many milestones in our faith journeys. Here are some resources to help mark them as we go.
Many congregations offer baptismal preparation for the families of those about to be baptized. Here are some resources to share.
As communities of faith, we are expected to “duly prepare” those seeking confirmation. Learn more about how congregations around our diocese support this ministry.
Other Milestones
There are many other milestones we celebrate and recognize as we move through life. God is present for all of them! Explore resources for where our lives and faith intersect.
Formation Guidelines
Learn more about the guidelines produced for the Diocese of New Jersey by the Lifelong Christian Formation Committee in 2021.