Upcoming Events

Join members of Youth Ministry in the Diocese of New Jersey for an overnight formation experience at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City. Learn more >>

Acolyte Festival
Acolytes from across the diocese gather for learning, fellowship, and worship. Workshops are available for both beginning and advanced acolytes, plus those who support and organize them.

Diocesan Confirmation
We celebrate a Diocesan-wide service of Confirmation today. If you are prepared for confirmation and would like to participate in this service, please contact the Rev. Canon Susanna Cates.

Diocesan Scripture Study
Our next cycle of diocesan Scripture Study begins next week on Wednesday, January the 8th, at 7 pm on Zoom. Over the next few months, we’ll cover the Acts of the Apostles, the prophets Jeremiah and Zephaniah, and Paul’s Letter to the Romans. Join us, along with clergy and lay leaders from around the diocese, as we dive a little deeper into Scripture!

Birthday Party for Jesus
All youth are invited to attend a birthday party for Jesus, hosted by the Commission on Black Ministry! Celebrate his birth and blessings with music, games, a craft, and prizes. This event is on Zoom.

Diocesan Confirmation Class
The current cohort of confirmands participating in the Diocesan-wide Confirmation in January is preparing through weekly Zoom sessions led by the Rev. Susanna Cates.

Diocesan Confirmation Class
The current cohort of confirmands participating in the Diocesan-wide Confirmation in January is preparing through weekly Zoom sessions led by the Rev. Susanna Cates.

Diocesan Convention
Diocesan Convention is a time when representatives around our diocese gather to share in the polity of the Church, upholding the common mission and ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. All are welcome to join us as we worship, conduct business, view and listen to presentations. The 241st annual convention of the Diocese of New Jersey will be held on November 23, 2024, at 9:00 am, both online and in person at Trinity Cathedral in Trenton. Registration opens at 7:30 am.

Diocesan Confirmation Class
The current cohort of adult confirmands participating in the upcoming Diocesan-wide confirmation is preparing through a weekly class led by the Rev. Canon Susanna Cates.